How to gain weight fast with Maca ( Best way to gain weight )

" How to gain weight fast " (believe it or not) is a question more people than you think ask themselves, while its easy to find solutions for people who struggle to lose weight, for those of us who actually want to GAIN weight it is not as easy. 

Propaganda makes it easy to find solutions (both good and bad) for those who want to lose weight but how about the answer for those who want to put some weight on? Few know that there are around 800 million underweight people in the world (unfortunately including those who are close to starvation and therefore have no other option than losing weight due to lack of food consumption).

However there are also people like me who eat as much as they can and never put any weight on, well at least it used to be like that until after many years of looking around and almost losing my sanity with searching I stumbled upon the most simple, affordable and great solution ever (more on this later).

These people have a bad time trying to gain weight, when they eat they are hungry 2 hours later (the metabolism is quite fast and burns the calories) even when they eat unhealthy yet calorie rich foods like Fast food they still don’t put any weight on so how can we change that?

I figured out that no matter how much I ate I would always weight the same, in 2010 I was unlucky enough to become very sick and due to the medication I had to take lost 10 kg in 2 months.

To call things by their name, I looked like a skeleton (and not a pretty one).

So I tried all sorts of things, from protein shakes to eating high calorie foods like peanut butter or nuts, eggs, beans, pasta and meats. I replaced the juices for milk and shakes but even after doing this for almost 8 months I gained zero weight, even more frustrating I would weight myself at night and though “ Yay I gained 1 kg” and in the morning, PUFF all gone.

The shakes were horrible in taste; I was always so bloated and full that I couldn’t eat anything else so it came back to the same old story.

What people don’t realize is that the frustration of being too skinny is probably not different from the frustration of being overweight.

You get bullied as much but for the opposite reason, you see people always find something to complain about don’t they? Too bad they forget that they aren’t flawless themselves but I guess that’s just part of human ignorance.

I was always very skinny since a little kid, and the fact I am 1.80m tall doesn’t really help. At this size I weight (currently) 60 kg which is not the best I had ( I interrupted the weight gain pills I take because I moved to another country and wanted to adapt myself first, since it also interferes with my mood I wanted to settle down first) but while taking the product I achieved 63 kg and if I had continued I would hit 65kg without any problems.

So being so skinny I got constantly bullied, besides being sick often because I was always cold (due to lack of fat and bad blood circulation) and of course mentally down and debilitated from the comments I received (sometimes I think hell is not bad enough for some people, I find it sad how people insult each other so light-heartedly without caring about the consequences, then again karma is right around the corner so take a seat bitches).

 Gladly I survived it and today am a sarcastic uncomfortable person who often surprises others with unpredictable responses, this can come in handy when you meet your old “bully friends” again and a certain hand lands on their face J

 Don’t get me wrong I am not aggressive; I am just not as stupid as people think. Do you know when people blame certain dog breeds for their “aggression” and they say it’s always the owners fault?

Sometimes I feel I was a dog for a certain period but they didn’t know how to handle it so I became what they asked for. People love being right so why not do them the favour? Of course as a human you can always decide to take the pacifying road but let’s be honest, it’s just not as fun.

This doesn’t mean I am always like that, 95% of the times I prefer diplomacy, this is just a special card I pull for “special” people with “special needs”.
Back to being bullied I finally grew out of it (fortunately school does not last for ever) and only last year found what I would like to call the “miracle of weight gain” (can you picture Dr. Oz saying this with his funny look?).

How to gain weight fast: THE SOLUTION.

The product is called “Maca spirit” and it is made from a plant called Maca, specifically the roots of it.

So I actually stumbled on it on Amazon while I was reading reviews and searching for “supper foods” like spirulina or goji berries.

While doing so I read what people were saying about Maca, that they were taking it for their libido, as a hormone replacement therapy or even to increase energy and stamina BUT some of them were reporting that they gained weight as a side effect, and by weight I also mean an increased butt, breasts and hips.

Here are some of the reviews:

People were complaining how much weight they gained, others loved it because it gave them what they needed: Lovely curves and weight gain on the right places.

This is why I am such a fan Maca: You gain weight were you need it.

And this apparently doesn’t happen randomly but because Maca is an adaptagen. Maca has four alkaloids that affect out endocrine system which is responsible for the production of hormones in our body. According to

“This action regulates metabolism, energy levels, growth, sexual development and the sense of well being and attitude.
“Maca does not contain hormones itself. Instead it provides a unique set of nutrients that directly fuel the endocrine system and help the glands to produce vital hormones in precise dosages predetermined by one's own body.

BINGO, metabolism. You see as much as you eat if your metabolism is too fast you will not be able to put any weight on, but Maca your very own daily weight assistant is there to do the job for you, just like that, voilà!

So back then when I took Maca I was weighting 54kg at a size of 1.80m and started taking the pills.

Before I did and after some research I started with 1 pill a day and gradually scaled it to 2 pills and then 3 pills a day.

I want to add that I did each of the steps for 3 weeks before I continued to the next dosage.
The reason why I did this gradually is that is affects your system and you do not want to “shock” it, some people have a cranky reaction to it as the Maca, like I said affects and is trying to balance you and this might not be very soothing at the start so take it easy.

The first days and because I am particularly sensitive to “third eye” (detox) plants like spirulina I had the same effect with the Maca, on the first day I had a psychological reaction to it and I felt “out of myself”, I remember it clearly because I was at my best friends house and was having a weird time because of it, but I decided not to give up on the maca.

Please understand that I had no idea about this effect and if I had I would probably not have taken it, but I am very glad I did.

After experiencing this “crown chakra” and “third eye” sensation that made me feel like a crazy cat from out of space I researched and found some posts about it:

Some in the natural health field believe that Maca opens the 'third-eye' chakra, from where we "see the bigger picture". Working at such an elemental emotional level, people who feel they have lost their zest for life can see issues and obstacles more clearly, and feel psychologically prepared to step out of the old and into the new. 

(Link source:

Do you feel me bra?

So on day 2 I was a little scared of taking the pills again, but this time the reaction was a lot smaller than on the first time, I realized this was the body’s reaction to adapting to the Maca (that ironically was adapting to me?)

After 1 week of taking it the “weird” side effects were gone, please note that if you are not sensitive to the psychological side of it you will probably not experience any of this, like I said I saw no one reporting about it before and therefore was surprised myself about the effect.

All that was left was “crankiness” and this crankiness took 1 month to completely vanish.
I think that Maca must act as a “clearing agent” and this is why it takes all things to the surface but after a while of taking it, it clears up.

Maca increased my appetite a lot when I took it, I probably ate 25% / 30% more than I would have without it (could also explain why it helps gaining weight).

Fact is that I managed to gain 6kg in only 4-5 months! This might not sound like a big improvement but for someone who NEVER gained any weight I think it’s impressive.
Like I said, the Maca is not a comfortable herb for some people at the start but once you get used to it, it works in amazing ways.

How to gain weight fast is up to you but if you want a valuable method I think it is worth a try.

Before you take Maca read the side effects and find out if it interacts with any medications or health problems. Start out with a small dosage and go for a quality product.

When I started Maca I used (and will soon restart using it) Maca spirit, the reason why I did this was because it was the only Maca supplement sold in health stores in the country I was, it costs around 20-25€ but if you take 2 capsules a day it lasts 3 months so the cost is not scary at all.

Also Maca spirit is Organic and comes from fair trade so I know it is a quality product.
I would love to hear if it works for you, if you have another method to gain weight fast comment bellow and let me know your opinion.

 Original post: How to gain weight fast with Maca ( Best way to gain weight )

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